Dobermann kennel Irinland

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    Сердечно поздравляем Катю Петракову с Днем Рождения!!!
    Поздравляем Алексея с Днем Рождения!!!!
    Поздравляем Gabriella de Gluck с 7 летием!
    Поздравляем с Чемпионом России
    Happy Birthday Irinland Makumba Mumba - 12 Years Old
    "Always Faithful" &Irinland Emili Ester(Styx )
    Поздравляем Екатерину Николаевну, Катюшу и Леночку с Днем медицинского работника!!!
    Happy Birthday SH - litter - 7 years!!!!
    Happy Birthday Tatiana!
    Сердечно поздравляем Иринланд Дюк Дюферу и ее хозяев с титулом Юный Чемпион России!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Сердечно поздравляем мурманскую добер-семью с прекрасными результатами на
    Happy Birthday to Katja!
    Irinland Ingeborge Isida’Cara UD, RA, ASCA-CD, ATT
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2012!!!
    Irinland Marcell Mondial - 11 Years old today!!!
    Сердечно поздравляем Иринланд Венеру Версаче с закрытием титула ЧЕМПИОН НКП!!!
    Happy Birthday!!!
    daughter of Irinland Farah Fabia - Dolce of devil inside, 3th place in Champion Class -IDC 2011 !!!
    Congratulation to Irinland Ralf Raider (Germany)- 10 Years old!!!!
    Happy Birthgay to Sh litter!!!!
    Happy birthday to O litter - 7 years Old and L Litter - 5 Years Old
    Happy Birthday to A litter -8 Years !!!!
    Happy Birthday to Kai( QueenStone Betelgeges) - 4 Years!!!!
    Happy Birthday to Sonja!
    Happy birthday to litter F- 9 years old!!!
    Rest on the fireside - Irinland Vega Vitara ( Finland)
    Happy Birthday to granddaughters of Irinus de Ferignis - 10 Years !
    Irinland Ulissa "Ronja" Finland
    Irinland Chezar Chenturion
    Photo of the day - Irinland Marcell Mondial
    Irinland Fletcher
    Congratulations with International Women's Day!
    Happy Holidays!
    Irinland Fletcher - Champion of Russia
    Congratulations to Ferdinand!!!!
    Irinland Fletcher - Champion RFSS!
    Happy Birthday to dear Torsten!!!!
    Happy birthday to litter CH- 6 Years!!!
    Happy birthday to Webmaster Aleksey!!!
    Happy birthday to Katja Petrakova!!!!
    Happy Tatiana Day!!!
    Happy birthday! Irinland Yanina Yanta - 8 Yeasr Old!!!
    New Year celebration!!!
    Irinland Sharliz Sherry and Irinland Ferdinand celebrated New Year holidays)))
    Happy New Year 2011!!!!!
    Merry Christmas!!!!
    For sale brown-tan female puppy 2 month. Can work on a computer)) Is on friendly terms with a tiger)) Is on friendly terms with a setter)) Also to wo
    Happy Birthday to V litter- 2 years old!!!!
    Happy Birthday to Lotta Laura - 10 Years Old
    Congratulations Irinland Fletcher - Youth Club Winner!
    Congratulations Irinland Filipp and Irinland Fred with past BH
    Queenstone Betelges(Kai) in new videoclip
    Happy birthday to Irinland Josefina Jose- 11 Years Old!!!!!!
    Irinland Duc Dufer gone away on the thirteenth year of life
    Congratulations to Katja!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Happy birthday to Karina and Emma!!!
    Congratulations to Irinland Duc Dufer - 12 Years!!!!!
    Happy Helloween!!!
    Congratulations to Oksana!!!
    Congratulations to Irinland Chezarro Chelini- 1 place (90 points) in working championat
    Happy Birthday to Irinland Marcell Mondial - 10 Years Old!!!!
    Congratulations - to Irinland Chezar Chenturion!!!!
    Happy birthday to F litter- 1 Year!!!!!
    Happy birthday to F litter- 1 Year!!!!!
    Irinland Emili Ester and her 3 puppies
    irinland Fletcher - Youth Champion Russia!!!
    Photo of the Day Irinland Marcell Mondial Finland - on photo 9 yeasr 11 month!!!
    Happy Birthday to Igor!!!
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Marcell Mondial - 9 years old
    Congratulation Irinland Zak Zorge- BOB, 1 BOG
    Congratulations to Irinland Fletcher with BOB!!!
    Meeting in France two Irinland dobermans)))
    Happy birthday to litter R- 9 years old!!!
    Congratulation Irinland Fletcher - BOB!!!
    Congratulations to Irinland Zak Zorge -BOB!
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Ulrika ( 4 month)
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Favorit
    Photo of the Day - Fila amd Tzera ( Turkmenistan)
    Two children of Irinland I ' Tsarina Ivolga have passed successfully the in Germany the 26.10.10
    M.Gerard Gebus - breeder of Irinus de Ferignis with family
    Irinland Sherkhan Sheridan France
    Irinland Zairin Amber Ale - training attack
    Happy Day of Doctors!!!!
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Zairin Amber Ale
    Day of Russia!!!
    Congratulations to Irinland Czhozefa Charmino - Champion Russia and 2xBOB!!!
    Congratulation to Irinland Fletcher-CW, Best puppy
    Happy Birthday litter Sh - 5 year!!!!
    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Irinland Fletcher - Best Puppy!!!!!
    Irinland Zairin Amber Ale - Grand Champion of Russia!
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Marcell Mondial ( Finland) 9,5 years
    Congratulations to Irinland Dobermanns in Siberia!!!
    Happy birthday Tatiana!!!
    rinland Ferdinand - Best Puppy and BIS
    Happy Birthday to O and L litter!!!!
    Happy Victory Day!!!
    Irinland Chezar Chenturion - BOB!
    Happy Birthday to litter A - 7 Years Old!!!!
    appy Birthday to Larin Aleksander - 50 Years!!!
    Happy Birthday to Sonja!!!!
    Happy Birthday to Kai!!!!
    Photo of the Day - Zera - granddaughter of Irinland Duc Dufer
    Happy Birthday to F litter - 8 Years!!!
    Happy Birthday to Irinland Ulysses Uriah - 8 Years!!!!
    hoto of the Day - Irinland Karolina Kortni
    Happy Birthday to Katja!!!
    Congratulations to Irinland Fletcher and Flora!!!
    Photo of the Day - puppy from Irinland Shelbi Sharkiss
    Happy Easter!
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Chokkolina Cherteza
    Photo of the day - Irinland Chezar Chenturion
    Happy birthday to T litter!!!
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Makumba Mumba (Scotland) - 9/5 Years
    Happy Birthday to litter A
    Congratulations to Irinland Chezar Chenturion
    Photo of the Day - Baby Tzerera 3,5 month from Turkmenistan
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Sharliz Sherri with her son
    Happy Birthday!!!
    Happy Birthday!!!
    Happy Birthday to Litter I - 9 Years!!!!
    Happy Holidays!!!!
    Happy Birthday to Lena!!!!
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Fabiana 5 months
    Photo from Vogue Germany February 2010
    Happy Holidays!
    Happy Birthday !!!
    Photo of the Day- Irinland Hiona with her daughter
    Congratulations to Murmansk dobermans!!!!
    Irinland Felicia - Best Baby2
    Happy Birthday to Irinland NIKOL NIDMAN - 6 Years!!!
    Happy Valentine Day!!!
    Congratulations to Irinland Felicia!!!!
    Congratulation to Irinland Zak Zorge!!!
    Happy Birthday to Torsten Muller!!!!
    Happy Birthday to Katja!!!!!!
    Happy Birthday to Litter Ch - 5 Years!!!!!!
    Happy Birthday to Litter I - 6 Years!!!!!!!!!
    apy Birthday to Webmaster Aleksej!!!
    Working photo of Irinland I'Tsarina Ivolga ` daughter (France)
    Happy Tatiana`Day!!!
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Hiona Hiland
    Irinland Josefina Jose 10 years
    Happy Birthday!
    Happy Birthday !!!
    Russian Winter - Irinland Duc Dufer
    Photo of the Day - Itinland Marcell Mondial 9 Years (Finland)
    Season Greetings from Irinland Shiva Shibuba!!!
    Happy Old New Year!!!
    Photo of the Day - Queenstone Betelges
    Photo of the Day - Queenstone Betelges
    Season Greetings from Irinland Ferdinand and Irinland Sharliz Sherri!!!!!!
    Season Greetings from Irinland Makumba Mumba UK
    Happy X-Mas!!!
    Season Greetings from Irinland Karero Kajen!!!
    Season Greetings from Irinland Fletcher!!!
    Season Greetings from Irinland Nicol Nidman!!!
    Season Greetings fro Irinland Chester (Germany)
    Season Greetings from Irinland Sherkhan (France)!!
    Happy New Year 2010!!!
    Season Greetings from Irinland Shelbi Sharkiss
    Season Greetings
    Season Greetings from Turkmenistan!
    Season greetings from France
    Granddaughter of Irinus de Ferignis was with topmodels in in Mme Figaro Magazine and german Vogue
    Happy New Year fro Murmansk!!!
    Seeson Greetings from son of Irinland Zh`Dara adn grandson Irinland Duc Dufer!!
    Season Greetings from Irinland Marcell Mondial (Finland)
    Merry X-MAS and Happy New Year 2010!!!
    Merry X-MAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Zak Zorge
    Happy Birthday to Irinlan Ealana Eastricce - 7 Years!!!
    Happy Birthday to litter V- 1 Year!!!!
    Happy Birthday !!!
    Happy Birthday!!!
    Irinland Chokkolina Cherteza - Youth Champion Russia
    Irinland Zairin Amber Ale - Champion Russia!!!!
    Happy Birthday to Oksana !!!!!
    Happy birthday to Irinland Marcell Mondial - 9 Years ( Finland)!!!!!!
    Irinland Emili Ester awarded a Letter of Commendation by the Fire Department USA
    IRINLAND OLIMPIA - WORLD CHAMPION 2009 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Chester Chedano working in Germany
    Photo of the Summer - Vladik with Irtinlad Chzhosefina Charmina
    Photo of the Day - 9 years old Irinland Marcell Mondial ( Finland)
    Congratulations to Irinland Zak Zorge!
    Happy Birthday!
    Happy Birthday!!!!
    Irinland Zak Zorge - CAC, BOB, BIG2
    Happy birthday to litter K from Irinland Sharliz Sherri and Quennstone Betelges!!!
    ITALO DEI DUE INTENTI - 3d place Champion Class IDC-2009
    Irinland Chezar Chenturion - Youth Champion Russia and BeloRussia!!!
    Congratulations to Irinland Sharliz Sherri , Irinland Zairin Amber Ale and Italo Dei Due Intenti
    Photo of the day - Irinland Olimp Otto
    Happy Birthday to R Litter - 8 Years!!!!
    Happy Birthday to CH- Litter - 7 years
    Happy birthday to K litter - 9 Years!!!
    Irinland Zak Zorge passed OKD-1 !
    Best friend of Irinland`dobermanns - irish setter ZAIKA 14 years old
    Photo of the Day - Queenstone Betelges and Irinland Keytana Ketlin
    Irinland Chezar Chenturion working 12 month
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Zak Zorge
    Irinland Tirana Tessa training
    Congratulations Irinland Yoden and Irinland Keytana Ketlin!!!
    new Issue magazine Dobermann N3 on CD
    Happy Day of Doctors!!!!
    Happy birthday to Natasha Melgui!!!
    Irinland Marcello Mondial ( 9 years) in Sweden - 2xBest Male 2
    Happy birthday to SH litter!!!
    Congratulation to Queenstone Betelges with Open Class Winner on Euro Championat 2009
    Happy Birthday to Nikolai!!!!
    Congratulations to Irinland Zak Zorge- and Irinland Sharliz Sherri - Best Junior and winner of Working class!!!!
    Happy Birthday to Misha!!!!!
    Happy Birthday to Aleksey - owner of Irinland Alkatraz!!!!!
    Happy Birthday! Congratulations to Tatiana!
    Irinland Zairin Amber Ale - Youth Champion Russia!!!
    Irinland Sharliz Sheri - BOB in Achinsk!!!
    Irinland Zairin Amber Ale - JCAC, Best Junior, BOB, BiG 3
    Irinland Zak Zorge -JCAC, Best Junior, BOB, BIG-1, JBIS - 1
    Happy Birthday to litter O and L!!!!
    Happy Holiday!!!!
    Irinland Zairin Amber Ale - JCAC Best Junior
    Happy Birthday to A litter
    Happy Birthday to QEENSTONES BETELGES !!!
    Happy Birthday!
    Happy May Holidays!!!!
    Happy birthday to Sonja!!!
    Irinland Zairin Amber Ale - JCAC, Best Junior
    Happy Birthday to F litter!!!
    Happy birthday to Z litter
    Happy Easter!!!
    Happy Birthday to Boris and Katia!!!
    Happy birthday to Alena!
    Inborn Fortuna Atlant, son Irinland Duc Dufer - Champion Russia!!!
    Irinland Zak Zorge - JCAC,BOB, BIS.J -2,BIG -1,BIS-3
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Uilliam Uots ( Finland)
    Hapy Birthday to litter N!!!
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Ignus Inkubus (Brasil)
    Happy Birthday to litter T!!!!!
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Marcell Mondial (Finland)
    Happy Birthday to litters A and E!!!!
    Congratulations with Show results!!!
    New issue "Dobermann"on CD 1/2009
    Photo of the Day -Irinland Titana Tessa working
    Happy Birthday to Ekaterina Mihailovna!!!
    Happy Birthday to Lena!!!
    Photo of the Day Izrafel Abe Atentator
    Congratulations with International Women's Day!
    Happy Birthday to Sergey!!!
    Photo of the day - Irinland Zevs Zieger
    Irinland Zak Zorge
    Irinland Uilliam Uots in new family!
    Cjngratulations with show results in Murmansk!!!
    Queenstone Betelges and Izrafel Abe Atentator Champions Ucrain!!!
    Happy Valentine`Days!!!
    Happy Birthday to Irinland Chernaja Chaika 4 Years!!!
    Happy Birthday to Torsten!!!!
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Karolina Kortni(Queenstone Betelges-Irinland Sharliz Sherri)
    Happy Birthday To Webmaster!!!
    Happy Birthday Irinland Yogan Yenssen and Irinland Yoko Y'agodka
    Happy New China Year!!!
    Tatiana's day!
    Photo of the day - Irinland Chernaja Chaika and her daughter
    Happy Birthday to Irinland Yanihna Yanta with 6 Years old!!!
    Congratulations with marriage and baby daughter `s birthday !!!
    Irinland Sherkan Sheridan on the New year Party ( France)
    Happy Birthday to G-Litter!!!
    Happy Birthday To Irinland Lucifer!
    Merry Christmas
    Irinland Mirei Matie - BOB
    Happy New Year from Irinland Zevs Zieger!!!
    Happy New year from son of Irinland Zh`Dara - Graf Aldo!!!
    Happy New year from Irinland Shiva Shibuba!!!
    Happy Birthday to Larina Lilja!!!
    Happy New Year!!!
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Trofimovoi Larisa
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Italo Dei Due Intenti
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Irinland Sharliz Sherri
    Merry Cristmas and Happy new Year from Irinland Shelbi Sharkiss
    Merry Cristmas and Happy new Year from Irinland Chernaja Chaika ( Murmansk)
    Merry Cristmas and Happy new Year from Irinland Ulysses Uriah( Germany)
    Merry Cristmas and Happy new Year from Irinland Sherkhan Sheridan (France)
    Merry Cristmas and Happy new Year from Irinland Mirei Matje
    Merry Christmas and Happy new 2009 Year!!!
    Vedeo protection Irinland Nika Nikole
    Frosja on the beach 21 Dec 2008
    Happy Birthday to Litters Z and E from Irinland Zena Zefyu!!!
    Kai and Sava - Champions of Belorussia
    Happy Birthday to L litter(Escobar Casa Di Oz - Livia Lisenka v.Diaspora) 8 Years!!!
    Irinland Nika Nikole passed exam IPO !
    New issue №4(2008) magazine "Dobermann" on CD
    Irinland Nika Nikole pass ZTP - V 1 A!!!!!
    Happy Birthday to Irinland Yull Yotson!!!!
    Happy Birthday to Oksana - 30 Years!!!!!
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Yogan Yensen
    Photo of the Day 6 - Irinland Duc Dufer
    Photo of the Day 5 - Irinland Duc Dufer
    Photo of the Day 4 - Irinland Duc Dufer
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Duc Dufer
    Happy birthday Irinland Marcell Mondial 8 Years and M Litter!!!
    Photo of the Day 2 - Irinland Duc Dufer
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Duc Dufer
    Irinland Olympia - Bundessigerin 2008!!!!!!!
    Photo of the Day - Autumn
    Happy Birthday to Irinland Mirei Matje
    Happy Birthday to Irinland Karina Kornelia and K litter
    From Germany with love
    irinland Zak Zorge - Best Baby!!!
    Happy Birthday to Tatiana Yavnih!!!
    Happy Birthday to Igor!!!
    Irinland Gordon Gess - CACIB, ВОВ!!!!!
    Irinland Lavina Larga - 1 place in bicycle
    Irinland Zairin Amber Ale- Best Baby on National Show!!!
    Izrafel Abe Atentator - passed ZTP V1A !!!!!
    Irinland Olympia - passed ZTP V1A!!!
    Queenstone Betelges passed BH!!!
    Irinland Shiva Shibuba - R.CACIB
    Happy Birthday to Anatoly!
    Happy Birthday to TZ litter!
    Happy Birthday to Ludmila!
    Congratulations Italo Dei Due Intenti - !!!
    Son of irinland Duc Dufer - Inborn Fortuna Apollon - Champion Izrael!!!
    Ole-Ole - Russia forward!!!
    Medical doctor's day
    Happy Birthday to SH litter - 3 Years!!!
    Happy Birthday!!!
    Queenstone Betelges-Youth Champion and Winner National Club
    Irinland Shelbi Sharkiss and Irinland Kelvin Klain - 2[CACIB and BOB on 25th in Volgograd
    Happy Birthday to Misha Deviatkin!!!
    Happy Birthday to Alekseei - owner of Irinland Alkatraz!!!
    Styx (Irinland Emili Ester) passed her Canine Good Citizen test
    Congratulation with nice results on show 18/05/2008
    Irinland Hillari Houk - CAC, BOB on 18/05/2008 in Omsk
    It is snowing in Murmansk - 16 May - Irinland Chernaja Chaika
    Photo of the Day - Queenston Betelges
    Irinland Emili Ester- working in Kansas City (USA)
    Irinland Mirei Matie - CW CAC
    Happy Winner Day!!!
    Happy birthday to litter O - 4 Years !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Happe Birthday to L Litter!!!!
    Happy Birthday to litter A - 5 Years !!!
    Happy Birthday to Alexandr!!!!
    Hapy Birthday to Sonja!!!
    Happy Birthday Queenstone Betelges - 1 Year!!!
    May, 1st
    Irinland Emili Ester (Styx)USA - high angle rope work with local fire department.
    Irinland Mirei Matije - R.CAC on CACIB show in Habarovsk
    Happy Easter!
    Happy Birthday to Katja- owner of Irinland Ronda Rebecca
    Queenstone Betelges- Youth Champion Russia!!!
    Irinkan Sharliz Sherri - InterChampion and National Club Winner!!!!
    ITALO DEI DUE INTENTI - Youth Ch Russia
    In Moscow - spring , in Murmansk - snowing.....
    QUEENSTONE BETELGES - 2 x J.CAC and BOB in Moscow 22-23/03/2008
    IZRAFEL ABE ATENTATOR - Youth Ch. Belorussia
    Happy Birthday to litter A from irinland Duc Dufer and irinland Vanessa Van!!!
    Happy birthday to Irinland Ellen Estella and her brothers and sisters!
    Irinland Chernaja Chaika- BOB on the 16th Murmansk
    Irinland Zena Zefyu - 8 Years !!!
    Happy birthday to Izrafel Abe Atentator - 1 Year!
    Happy Birthday to Katja`mother!
    New Litter from Irinland Bagira Best and Irinland Uill Uotson
    Happy birthday to Misha!
    ITALO DEI DUE INTENTI - ДУЧЕ - Happy birthday!!!
    Irinland Ronda Rebekka on the Club Party
    Happy Women Day!!!
    Progeny of Irinus de Ferignis and Virdginia Busar - 13 Years!!!
    Happy Birthday to Sergey!!!
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Hiona Hiland (Turkmenia)
    Sava - 2d in Junior Class in CACIB
    Happy Russian Motherland Defender's Day!
    IRINLAND NICOLE NIDMAN - Happy Birthday!
    Irinland Yamaika Yalopeco - Happy Birthday!
    Happy Valentine Day!!!
    Irinland Chernaja Chaika - BOB
    Irinland Gordon Gess - BOB
    Happy Birthday to Torsten!!!!
    Happy Birthday To Irinland Tara Tatu
    Happy Birthday to Webmaster!
    Happy Birthday to Irinland Yoko Yagodka and Irinland Yogan Yensen - 4 years!!!!
    Happy Birthday to Natalja!!
    Tatiana's day
    Izrafel Abe Atentator - Youth Champion of Russia
    Happy Birthday to Irinland Yanina Yanta - 5 Years!!!
    Photo of the Day - daughter of Irinland I`Tzarina Ivolga - Berenice K`Alina de Ferignis
    New Issue magazine Dobermann on CD
    Happy new Year from Irinland Hiona Hiland!
    Happy Birthday to "G" litter!
    Happy New Old Year!!!!
    Irinland Ulysses Uriah Happy New Year!!!
    Irinland Zeus Zethos Happy New Year
    Irinland Zeus Zethos Happy New Year
    Happy Merry X-Mas from Irinland Sharliz Sherri
    Merrry Christmas!!!
    Happy New Year from Irinland Jino Jeniale ( Finland)
    Irinland Hillari Houk - Happy New Year!!!
    Happy Birthday to Irinland Lucifer!!!
    Irinland Shiva Shibuba
    Irinland Shiva Shibuba - Happy New Year!!!
    Irinland Hiona Hiland (Turkmenia) - Happy New Year!!!
    Maura-Melis San-Veori - Happy New Year!!!
    Happy Birthday to Lilja!!!
    Happy New 2008 Year !!!!!
    Irinland I`Tsarina Ivolga (France) - Happy New Year!!!
    Irinland Shandi Shon - Happy new Year!!!
    Happy new Year from Murmansk!!!
    Irinland Spicy Savage - Happy New Year!!!
    Irinland Sharliz Sherri - Happy New Year!!!
    Irinland Shelbi Sharkiss - Happy New Year!!!
    Irinland Mirei Matje - Happy New Year!!!
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Adelina Agusta
    Irinland Lavina Larga - Happy New Year!
    Show results of 22-23 December
    Irinland Chernaja Chaika- CAC, BOS, BOB
    Merry Christmas!
    irinland Chernaja Chaika - 3 place in Working Championatship and 2 in
    IZRAFEL ABE ATENTATOR - 2хCAC, 2хBest Junior
    Happy Birthday to litter
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Chernaja Chaika and Vlad
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Tara Tatu
    Happy Birthday to Lota Laura(Escobar Casa Di Oz - Livia Lisenka v.Diaspora) and her fullmates - 7 years!!!
    Irinland Zeus Zethos passed IPO 3
    International Day of Pets
    New photo of son Irinland Farah Fabia from Nitro del Rio Bianka
    Irinland Didi - Best Youth (Spain)
    Happy Birthday to Irinland Uill Uotson - 3 Years!!!
    Irinland Winners from Murmansk on CAC Shows 10/11/07
    Roshfor is Gavaona (Irinland Harier Harrikein-Galia iz Gavaona)- CACIB
    Irinland Yamaika Yalapeco - CACIB and her progeny winners
    Happy Birthday to Irinland Josefina Jose - 8 Years!!!
    Happy Birthday to Irinland Jino Jenial - 8 Years!!!!
    Irinland Winners in CAC Show
    Irinland Airon Amber Ale and Italo Dei Due Intenti 2xCAC Shows
    Happy birthday to Irinland Duc Dufer - 9 Years!
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Bagira Best
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Sharliz Sherri
    Photo of the Day - Izrafel Abe Atentator and Queenstone Betelges in Italy
    Photo of the Day from Turkmenistan - Irinland Hiona Hiland - Best Female Junior
    Irinland Ignus Inkubus and baby Renue (Brazil)
    First Show - irinland Shandi Shon
    Photo of the Day - Milka- daughter of Irinland Duc Dufer
    1 Year birthday litter Zar Zidan - Lotta Laura
    Шrinland Dobermanns winners on the CAC Show in Murmansk 07/10/07
    Irinland Winners on the Specialty in Omck 07/10/07
    Happy Birthday to Anna!
    Son of Irinland Duc Dufer - Inborn Fortuna Atlant - CAC BOB
    Happy Birthday to Yavnjh Tatiana!
    Irinland Hillari Houk - Best puppy in specialty
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Sheldon Shick reading standart of dobermanns
    2хCAC 2хCACIB Irinland Edmon Emperor in Moldova
    Irinland Arizona Ambr?e - Interchampion and ZTP 1 A!!!
    3xVideo of the Day - Irinland Shiva Shibuba
    Irinland Sharliz Sherri - Champion of Show Champions in CACIB Show Ulan Ude
    Happy 1st September!
    Male pupps imported to kennel winners in baby class on National Show
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Chernaj Chaika
    Photo of the Day - Armand Arland
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Sharlis Sherry
    Photo of the Day - Duche (Italo del Due Intenti)
    New pupps males imported to Irinland kennel
    New Issue 4_07 on CD "Dobermann"
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Alice Ashley
    New pupps males imported to Irinland kennel
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Chernaya Chaika
    Day of the Webmaster
    Irinland Didi - 2x Best Junior on CAC and CACIB shows
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Nika Nikole
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Chernaja Chaika
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Josefina Jose
    Photo of the Day Irinland Jino Jeniale (Finland)
    Happy Birthday
    Irinland Heili Hendy and Irinland Gordon Gess - Champions of Kazahstan!
    Irinland Sharliz Sherri - BIS2 on show in Siberia
    Litter "Zh" - 1 year!
    Happy Birthday to Ludmila and Irishka!
    Photo of the Day - Sergey and Sava
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Shandi Shon
    Photo of the Day - Katja
    Irinland Shiva Shibuba - R.CACIB on CACIB Show ,30 june 2007
    Irinland Chelsi - Champiom of Azerbadzan and Georgea
    Irinland Gorden Gess - Champion Russia
    21st June - Day of the Kynolog
    Happy Birthday to Nataly Melguj
    Happy Doctors Day!
    Photo of the Day- Irinland Edmon Emperor (Portugal)
    Hot Weather - Irinland Adelina Alias
    Nice Day - Irinland Josefina Jose
    Photo of the Day
    Happy Birthday to Dmitrii!
    Happy birthday to Sh Litter
    25 Year Wedding!
    Happy birthday to Dakosha!
    Irinland Laska Lubava - Youth Champion Russia
    Happy birthday to Nikolay
    Irinland Bakster Baks was filming in detective serial on NTV
    In Moscow +36 in shadow - Irinland Duc Dufer taking bath
    Irinland Amadeus Apricot for sale
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Fawn Furious (Russia)
    Happy Birthday to Misha Deviatkin!!!
    Photo of the Day
    Irinland Roksana Rikkel passed ZTP V 1(Poland)
    Next Day After Birthday Celebration......
    Happy Bithday to Tatiana!
    Son of Irinland Duc Dufer - CACIB & BOB in Finland
    Irinland Anika Alise - Interchampion
    In Murmansk is snowning - photo from 17th May 2007
    Photo of the Day - Irinland J'adore Grosser Kaiser
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Shiva Shibuba and Olga
    Photo of the Day -Irinland Amand Ambassador
    New issue magazine
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Shiva Shibuba and Olga
    Happy Birthday to "O" and "L" litters
    The 9 th May Holiday
    Congratulations to Zenij and Aleksei!!!
    Irinland Gordon Gess - RCACIB on on CACIB in Omsk (Russia)
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Max` A Million
    Hapy Birthday to "A" Litter from Irinland Josefina Jose - 4 years!
    Irinland Farah Fabia (France) - ZTP V1A ! !
    Irinland Shelbi Sharkiz passed IPO
    Happy Birthday to Larin Aleksandr!!!
    Happy 1st May Holiday!
    Happy birthday to Sonja
    Happy birthday to "F" litter 5 years
    Happy Birthday to Irinland Ulysses Uriah - 5 Years
    Happy Birthday to Boris
    Irinland Nicol Nidman - CAC, BOB
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Shiva Shibuba
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Roksana Rikkel
    Happy Birthday!
    Happy Easter!
    New issue
    Irinland Zar Zidan
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Roksana Rikkel
    1st April
    Irinland Chernaja Chaika - 1 place in Working test
    Irinland Didi (Irinland Amadeus Apricot - Irinland Reina Robusta)-2 place in Best in Show in CACIB Torrelavega
    Great photo on auto
    Irinland Alkatraz visit kennel
    Irinland Odin Overcome - Champion of Russia
    Photo of the Day -Irinland Artur Alan
    Congratulations to Merab Hiskiadze with nice results of Irinland Eros Erato and his progeny
    Photo of the Day - Inborn Fortuna Apolon
    Irinland Gorden Gess - Youth Champion of Russia
    Irinlands dobs on Show
    Irinland Argo Aldo - Champion Russia
    Photo of the Day- Irinland Ignus Inkubus and Baby
    Happy Birthday to Katja`s Morther!
    Happy Birthday to Irinland Zena Zefyu - 7 years!
    Happy Birthday - 6 Years- Irinland Ignus Inkubus, Irinland Ingrem Itamo, I`Tzarina Ivolga !
    Happy Birthday to Misha!
    Irinland in Tailand - Katja, Sergei and Natasha
    Fernando Magalhes about IRINLAND EDMON EMPEROR
    Show results
    Photo of Day - Irinland Karina Kornelia
    8 march - International Women's Day!
    Progeny of Irinus de Ferigns - 12 Years!!!
    Happy Birthday!
    Congratulations to Irinland Odin Overcome, Irinland Argo Aldo and Irinland Vicont Velicolepnii
    Irinland Edmon Emperor - Champion of Spain
    Congratulation daughter of Airon Amber Ale-Glasha with title best Puppy on Evrasia 2007
    Happy DAY OF MEN!
    Happy birthday to Larisa!
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Terminator
    Happy Birthday to Yurii Kalinin!
    Show Results of Irinland Didi (Irinland Amadeus Apricot - Irinland Reina Robusta)
    Happy birthday to Irinland Nicole Nidman!
    Hapy Valentine Day to all dobermanns and owners!
    Happy Birthday - 3 Years-to Irinland Yamaika Yalopeco!
    Photo of the day - Irinland Argo Aldo
    Photo of the day - red male puppy from Irinland Airon Amber Ale
    Happy bierthday to dobs from litter T and F
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Didi (Spain)
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Leonidas (Denmark)
    Irinland Artur Alan - training
    Irinland Sharliz Sherri - training
    Irinlfnd Shelbi Sharkiss - training
    Happy Birthday to Torsten Muller!!!
    Happy Birthday to Katja Petrakova!
    Irinland Tara Tattu - BOB in CAC Show in N.Novgorod
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Shiva Shibuba and Olga
    Happy Birthday to Web-Master!
    New issue magazine
    Happy Birthday to Irinland Yogan Yensen and Irinland Yoko Yagodka
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Shiva Shibuba and Olga
    Happy Birthday to Mr Hans Wiblishauser!
    Happy Tatiana ` Day !
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Metyu Morrison
    New Friend of Irinland Tara Tatu
    Happy Birthday to Natalja Dorohova
    Photo of the Day-Irinland Bakster Baks have a rest
    Photo pf the Day- IRINLAND MAX` A MILLION with kids( Egypt)
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Jolina Jolly and kids (Egypt)
    Photo of the Day- Irinland Nadin Nestor and Lisa(Israel)
    Photo of Day - Irinland Shiva Shibuba and Olga
    Happy Birthday to Irinland Yanina Yanta!
    Photo of the Day - irinland Kenia Keira
    Photo of the day2 - Irinland Arizona Ambre and Enzo ( France)
    Photo of the day - Irinland Arizona Ambre and Enzo ( France)
    Happy Birthday to Natalja Kroha!
    Happy new Year from Irinland Eros Erato
    Happy new Year from Irinland Lavina Larga (Moscow)
    Photo of Day-Irishka and Irinland Duc Dufer
    Happy New Year from Irinland Olympia ( Germany)
    Happy New Year from Irinland Fabulous Frosja( South Africa)
    Happy birthday 3 Years to Irinland Lucifer
    Happy birthday 5 Years to Irinland Tirana Treici, Tomcat Teddy, Tosha Tagira!
    HAPPY NEW YEAR 2007!!!
    HAPPY NEW YEAR 2007!!!
    Happy New Year from Irinland Shiva Shibuba ( Russia)
    Happy New Year from Irinland Marcell Mondial ( Finland)
    Happy New Year from Irinland Arizona Ambre and irinland Farah Fabia ( France)
    Happy New Year from 3 Males(Germany)
    Happy New Year from Irinland Zeus Zethos ( France)
    Happy New Year from Irinland Nadin Nestor (Israel)
    Happy New Year from Irinland Shelbi Sharkiss (Russia)
    Christmass greetings from Irinland Ulysses Uriah (Germany)
    Happy New Year from Irinland Jino Jenial ( Finland)
    Merry Christmas!
    Irinland Shiva Shibuba - Champion Russia
    Photo of Day - Irinland Ellen Estella training IPO
    Irinland Sharliz Sherri -CACIB, BOB in Moldova
    Irinland Tara Tattu-BOB on the Specialty in Kazan
    Irinland Arizona Ambre - French Champion
    Irinland Bakster Baks- Champion Russia
    Irinland Edmon Emperor - Portuguese Champion
    Irinland Jino Jeniale - 7 Years
    Irinland Josefina Jose - 7 Years
    Ierinland Duc Dufer - 8 Years
    Irinland UILL UOTSON - Champion Russia
    Photo of the Day
    Happy Birthday to Marina - owner of Aiton Amber Ale!!!
    Photo of the Day - Irinland Airon Amber Ale and Glasha
    Photo of the day - Irinland Arizona Ambre ( France)
    Photo of the Day- Katja Petrakova
    Irinland Farah Fabia - International Champion
    CACA CACIB Bundessiegerin Irinland OLYMPIA
    Irinland Edmon Emperor- 1 dobermann in the national ranking to become BEST DOBERMANN 2006.
    Luxemburg CACIB
    Irinland Lucifer - BIS
    Irinland Yogan Yensen - CACIT in Ekaterinburg
    IDC -2006 Congratulations!!!
    Irinland Zar Zidan - Sieger Dog Show
    Irinland Zar Zidan - ZTP V 1 A
    Photo of Day - vacation photos of Irinland Uill Uotson
    irinland Zar Zidan and Irinland Nicole Nidman - winners on specialty
    Day of Admin!
    Photo of the Day
    Congratulations to Irinland Shelbi Sharkiss , Bakster Baks, Yogan Yensen, Vigo Vili
    Irinland Zeus Zethos- Interchampion, CAC-CACIB-2xBOB in Spain
    Irinland Edmon Emperor - 2xCACIB in Portugal, Lisbon Winer
    Happy Birthday to Anatolii!
    Irinland Kamila Kara - Best attack result ( 99 ) and 3 place on the CACIT Championat Russia IPO
    11 Years ` progeny of Irinus de Ferignis
    Happy Birthday
    Irinland Zeus Zethos- CAC of Mauviиres and Champion of Luxemburg
    Best congratulations with 4th CACIB and BOB of Irinland Lucifer
    Photo of the Day
    Training results of puppy from Irinland Duc Dufer
    Photo of the Day
    Irinland Yogan Yensen - CAC, BOS, Candidate Champion RFLS
    Photo of the Day
    Irinland Arizona Ambre - French Champion
    Golden Boy dei Nobili Nati - 2° place excellent on the national show
    First Show in Sweeden of Irinland Tsunami - BOB
    Photo of the Day
    Happy Birthday to Natasha Gluk`Oza -20 Years!
    Happy birthday - 1 Year!!!!
    Congratulations of this week`winners
    Happy Birthday Nikolai Irinland Shiva Shibuba
    Irinland Odelle Odana and Irinland Zeus Zethos passed ZTP in Germany
    Photo of the Day
    Happy Birthday! Congratulations to Tatiana!
    Irinland Ulysses Uriah passed ZTP in Germany
    Photo of the Day
    Irinland Ronda Rebecca- Champion Russia and Champion Bulgary
    Etteila Etna Arco Azzuro - International Champion
    First JCAC-Irinland Bakster Baks
    Son of Irinland Duc Dufer and Tahi-Reme Chili - BOBpuppy - in Finland
    Happy Birthday!
    Irinland Edmon Emperor - CACIB in Portugal
    Irinland Lucifer - CACIB in Russia
    Irinland Anika Alise - Champion Club
    Photo of the Day
    Photo of the Day
    Hapy Easter!
    Irinland Arizona Ambre - CACIB in MONACO
    Happy Easter!
    Irinland Amand Ambassador and Etteila Etna Arco Azzuro on the presentation of new AUDI in Niznem Novgorode
    Irinland Bakster Baks and Irinland Ronda Rebecca on CAC Show in Moscow
    Irinland Arizona Ambre - Luxemburg Champion
    Irinland Reina Robusta and Irinland Elana Estricce on the 1st presentation of new AUDI in Moscow
    Irinland Reina Robusta and Irinland Elana Estricce on the 2-d presentation of new AUDI in Moscow
    Congratulations with 11 Years Birthday descendance of Irinus!!!
    Son of Irinus de Ferignis - Hertog Aristo van Olympiastaete - 9 Years Old!!!
    Double Winner Show, Graz 2006 in Austria
    Photo of the Day Irinland Ignus Inkubus
    Son of Irinus de Ferignis - RADZ Elsan Haus Imidz- 11 Years Old!!!
    Happy Birthday to Misha!
    Congratulations with Women Day!!!
    "Evrasia 2006" CACIB Show in Moscow ( judge: H.Wiblishauser)
    Congratulations to all Men!
    Happy Birthday to Katja!
    Irinland Anika Alise - Champion Club and Grand Champion Russia
    Irinland Edmon Emperior BOB , BIG-3 in CACIB Show in Portugal 21.01.06
    In 2005 progeny of Irinland Duc Dufer has 4 main titles of Sieger
    Happy birthday!
    Three Full Sisters - Champions and Three Brother Champions
    Irinland Oridzi Olaff - Champion of Russia, Ucrain, Belorrusia
    Son of Irinland Harriera Harriken - Roshfor iz Gavaona - BOB
    Irinland Airon Amber Ale - Candidate Champion Club on specialty in Moscow
    Irinland Yogan Yensen - BOB
    Son of Irinland Harriera Harriken - Roshfor iz Gavaona - Champion RKF
    Irinland Tara Tattu - BOB in Kazanj
    Congratulations to family of Nicolai ( Irinland Shiva Shibuba) with Birthday of Daughter!
    Irinland Shelbi Sharkiss - BIS Puppy
    irinland Sharliz Sherri - Best Female Puppy
    Irinland Edmon Emperior - CAC,BOB,BIG-2
    Irinland Shelbi Sharkiss - Best Puppy on CACIB Show in Ekaterinburg
    Irinland Shiva Shibuba - BIS II and BIS III
    Irinland Amand Ambassador - Interchampion, GrandChampion of Russia and Champion Club
    IRINLAND HANDY HUCH - best Puppy
    Irinland Josefine Jose - 6 Years!
    Irinland Yoko Yagodka - Champion of Russia
    Irinland Yogan Yensen - Best Male
    Irinland Orlando Ouen - BIS I in Moscow CAC Show
    Irinland Arizona Ambre - Swiss champion
    Irinland Yogan Yensen - Champion of Russia
    Irinland Shiva Shibuba - BIS 1
    Allbreed Show in BeloRussia (Minsk)
    On the first Show Irinland Shelbi Sharkiss - BIS III
    VDH BundesJugendsieger 2005 - Irinland Olympia
    Irinland Arizona Ambre - vice-winner national championship show of spain.
    Irinland Anika Alise and Irinland Oridzi Olaff - Champions of Ucrain
    Irinland Nicol Nidman - Champion Russia
    CACIB in N.Novgorod
    National CAC Show in Ucrain - BOB и BOS
    irinland Shiva Shibuba - BIS baby II on the 1-st Show
    Irinland Zar Zidan и Irinland Nicol Nidman - Champions of Moldova
    Irinland Zar Zidan и Irinland Nicol Nidman winners 2хCACIB Shows in Moldova
    Irinland Spicy Savage - Youth Champion of Russia
    Irinland Anika Alise - BOB brown in Moscow Specialty
    Irinland Ofelia Ornella - Champion of Russia
    Goldenboy dei Nobili Nati - Youth Champion of Rusia
    Irinland Arizona Ambre - CACIB, BOB, on the International Show in PONTOISE (France)
    Irinland Duc Dufer`son - Elcin iz Doma Luvira - Working Class winner on the Specialty in Austria
    Irinland Tomkat Teddy - Champion Club
    Congratulations to Winners and Participaters IDC 2005
    Irinland Frosja Fabulouse has again qualified for Dog of the Year 2005.
    Mating Irinland Duc Dufer in Finland
    Congratulations to Irinland Edmon Emperior Best Dog in CACIB Sow in Portugal (Sintry)31.07.05
    Congratulations all dobermanns from
    New Star in the Sky!
    Congratulations to new Cghampions Belorusia
    Irinland Kamila Kara won IPO1 on the International Working Championatship CACIT 03.07.05
    Irinland Arizona Amb passed test TAT 20/20
    Irinland Olimpia became DV J. Siegerine on the DV-Sieger-Schau in Hordt 25./26.06.2005
    Championnat de France 2005
    Congratulations to Irinland Yogan Yenssen with title Youth Champion of Russia
    Irinland Duc Dufer`son - Elcin iz Doma Luvira- A.I.A.D Sieger-2005 and best SchH dog of 1st day
    Congratulations to Irinland Oridzi Olaf with title Youth Champion of Russia
    Our dobermanns
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    Irinland Brindizi
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    Web-master: Alex Syntin
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