Irinus was used in breeding programs by French breeders (kennels "von Heckendorf",
"Gebrannten Walde", "Indianapolis"), by American breeders (kennels "Cara", "Adlercrest"),
in Portugal (kennels "de Valverde", "Casa Milheiro"), in Italy (kennel "della Lugara"),
in Holland (kennels "v.Neerlands Stam", ''Olimpiastste", "v. Diaspora", "v.d. Borg"),
in Hungary (kennels "Tahi-Reme", "Metaxa"), in Croatia (kennel "Royal Bell", "Magie Beauty"),
in Yugoslavia (kennels "Casa di Oz", "Cobra", "Sawages"), in Austria ("Traum der Jungend)
and in other countries.
Ch. Miss Mushka v.Heckendorfand
Miss Mona v. Heckendorf
Mid Way des Indianapolis
Ch. Camille da Casa Milheiro
Ch. Wylla Winona v.Adlercrest
Ch. Arienne della Lugara
Ch. Zara Royal Bell
Ch. Indiana In Cobra
Ch. Ines Cobra
Ch. Wellenberg Yulfill Blansh
Ch. Wellenberg Yulfill Bajana
Ch. Karmel Kifra v. Diaspora
Ch. Halifax Hulia de Valverde
Ch. Beverly Royal Bell
From Irinus and well-known brood bitches of Europe, breeders got perfect
descendants (female-brood bitches):
Ch. Miss Mushka v.Heckendorfand, Miss Mona v. Heckendorf
with Fellone v.Heckendorf in the kennel "v. Heckendorf"
Mid Way des Indianapolis
with Joanne des Indianapolis in the kennel "Indianapolis"
Ch. Camille da Casa Milheiro
with Evita de Casa Milheiro in the kennel "Casa Milheiro"
Gina Ginelly de Vallverde
with Ebony v.Norden Stamm in the kennel "de Valverde"
Ch. Wylla Winona v.Adlercrest
with Nemesis Alida v.Norden Stamm in the kennel "Adlercrest"
Ch. Arienne della Lugara
with Brunilde del Palatino in the kennel "della Lungara"
Ch. Zara Royal Bell
with Jamaha Royal Bell in the kennel "Royal Bell"
Ch. Indiana In Cobra, Ch. Ines Cobra
with Indi Cobra in the kennel "Cobra"
Ch. Wellenberg Yulfill Blansh and Ch. Wellenberg Yulfill Bajana
with Berenica Evro Belhause in the kennel "Wellenberg Yulfill"
Ch. Karmel Kifra v. Diaspora
with Dina Delila v.Diaspora in the kennel "v. Diaspora"
Ch. Halifax Hulia de Valverde
with Evelyn Evy de Vallverde in the kennel "de Vallverde"
Ch. Zolotaja Dinastia Tara
with Uta De Bora Play in the kennel "Zolotaja Dinastia"
Ch. Beverly Royal Bell
with Puma Royal Bell in the kennel "Royal Bell"